Call of Cthulhu RPG: 7th Edition (Hardcover) CHA 23135-H
The Old Ones ruled the earth aeons before the rise of man. Traces of their cyclopean cities can still be found on remote islands, buried amid the shifting desert sands, and in the frozen wastes of the polar extremes. Originally...
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Call of Cthulhu RPG: 7th Edition Investigator Handbook (Hardcover) CHA 23136-H
Will you stand against the horrors of the night?Whether learned professor, nosy journalist, or hard-hitting detective, investigators need all the help they can get. Let this book be your guide. The Investigator Handbook is an essential player s aid for...
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Call of Cthulhu RPG: Against the Mythos in the Down Darker Trails Setting - Shadows over Stillwater (Hardcover) CHA 23156-H
Shadows Over Stillwater is a collection of scenarios and locales for Down Darker Trails the Wild West setting for Call of Cthulhu and Pulp Cthulhu. Contained within are further insights and challenges for those seeking bold adventure in the American...
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Call of Cthulhu RPG: Alone Against the Dark - Defying the Triumph of the Ice CHA 23154
A solo play Call of Cthulhu mini campaign.No Keeper is needed as you guide yourself through the adventure.Alone Against The Dark is an adventure for one player, set in the fall of 1931. Your goal is to solve strange disappearances...
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Call of Cthulhu RPG: Alone Against the Frost CHA 23164
Alone Against the Frost is a solo horror adventure for one player, set during a research expedition to Canadas Northwest Territories during the 1920s. Here, you choose your own path as you navigate through the storyyour choices will determine whether...
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Call of Cthulhu RPG: Cthulhu Dark Ages - 3rd Edition (Hardcover) CHA 23165-H
Cthulhu Dark Ages is a world lit only by fire. The ancient empires collapsed centuries ago, taking their culture and learning with them. It’s a dark world and people are right to be afraid of the dark. Apart from the Viking raiders, witches, and outlaws,...
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Call of Cthulhu RPG: Dead Light & Other Dark Turns CHA 23159
With the rise of the automobile in the 1920s, people were no longer tied to the railways as a means of getting to distant locations. For those who could afford the relative luxury of a car, the expanding United States’...
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Call of Cthulhu RPG: Does Love Forgive? CHA 23172
Does Love Forgive? is a collection of two special scenarios for Call of Cthulhu for one Keeper and one player. Both adventures are perfect for a fun evening of gaming for two people. Each scenario can be played over the course of one to two...
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Call of Cthulhu RPG: Doors to Darkness (Hardcover) CHA 23148-H
All of these scenarios have been written with the beginning Keepers and players in mind. Each scenario introduces those new to Call of Cthulhu to roleplaying horror, mystery, investigation, character interactions, monsters, magic, the basics of the Cthulhu Mythos, Sanity...
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Call of Cthulhu RPG: Down Darker Trails - Terrors of Cthulhu in the Wild West (Hardcover) CHA 23151-H
Saddle up! Get yourself a posse together and have a look-see what's over that hill. There's strange rumors coming in from the whisperin' desert. You'd best put a round in that iron and make haste! Down Darker Trails is a...
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Call of Cthulhu RPG: Gateways to Terror CHA 23140
Gateways to Terror contains three short-play scenarios for the Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition roleplaying game, ideal for beginning and experienced players and Keepers alike. Originally, all three - The Necropolis, What's in the Cellar? and The Dead Boarder were designed...
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Call of Cthulhu RPG: H.P. Lovecraft's The Call of Cthulhu for Beginning Readers CHA 5115
The most merciful thing in the world, I believe is humanity's failure to fully conceive the cosmical horrors we've yet to reveal, and which up until now I have tried to conceal. The iconic H.P. Lovecraft 1928 story, The Call...
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Call of Cthulhu RPG: Harlem Unbound 2nd Edition (Hardcover) CHA 23166-H
Investigate the Cthulhu Mythos during The Harlem Renaissance! Prohibition is in full swing and bootleggers are living high. African-Americans flee the oppressive South for greener pastures, creating a new culture in Harlem. The music of Fats Waller and Duke Ellington...
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Call of Cthulhu RPG: Keeper Screen Pack CHA 23137
All the important rules and charts at a glance!  The Keeper Screen is an essential play aid for those running games of Call of Cthulhu.  A 4-panel Keeper Screen mounted on thick hardcover stock. One side, intended to face the players,...
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Call of Cthulhu RPG: Malleus Monstrorum Cthulhu Mythos Bestiary Two Volume Slipcase Set CHA 23170-X
That is not dead which can eternal lie, And with strange aeons even death may die...Here, shall you know the terrors of the void, the nightmare bringers, and the unspeakable lurkers.Ancient secrets, whispered lore, and collected facts concerning the alien...
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Call of Cthulhu RPG: Mansions of Madness Vol. 1 - Behind Closed Doors (Hardcover) CHA 23167-H
Mansions of Madness Vol. 1 contains five scenarios for use with the Call of Cthulhu Starter Set or the 7th Edition Call of Cthulhu: Keeper Rulebook.  It includes two fully updated and revised classics, along with three brand new adventures, and all can...
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Call of Cthulhu RPG: Masks of Nyarlathotep - An Epic Globetrotting Campaign (Remastered) CHA 23153-X
The new edition of Masks of Nyarlathotep is a complete revision and updating of this epic multi-part campaign set in 1925, in which steadfast investigators must unravel secrets and battle the minions of darkness in an attempt to stop world-shattering...
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Call of Cthulhu RPG: Petersens Field Guide to Lovecraftian Horrors (Hardcover) CHA 23138-H
Weird shapes in the park? Odd rumbling noises in the basement? A lurking dread in the kitchen? Bad dreams involving strange adventures and bizarre creatures?Identifying the lurking horrors of the Cthulhu Mythos is never an easy task, so researchers need...
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Call of Cthulhu RPG: Pulp Cthulhu - Cold Fire Within (Hardcover) CHA 23162-H
A Mind-Bending Campaign for Pulp Cthulhu. A Cold Fire Within is a campaign for Pulp Cthulhu. Set in 1935, a missing persons case leads to the discovery of a foul plot that could change time itself and bring disaster to...
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Call of Cthulhu RPG: Pulp Cthulhu - Two-Fisted Action & Adventure Against The Mythos (Hardcover) CHA 23107-H
Pulp Cthulhu is a game of two-fisted adventure, weird science, dark deeds, and brave heroes. With this book, some roleplaying dice, and the Call of Cthulhu Rulebook, you have everything you need to adventure and explore games set in the...
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Call of Cthulhu RPG: The Grand Grimoire of Cthulhu Mythos Magic (Hardcover) CHA 23141-H
Over 550 spells of dire consequences, secrets, and unfathomable power!Contained within are gathered spells drawn from over thirty years of Call of Cthulhu supplements and scenarios. Each spell has been revised for the Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition game, including...
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Call of Cthulhu RPG: The Malleus Monstrorum Keeper Deck CHA 23171
What's InsideLike the other Call of Cthulhu Keeper Decks, this decks provide new layers to plots, enhance the story, and provide quick access to an array of fiendish foes.A Plethora Of Mythos FiendsOver 60 monsters detailed in the Malleus Monstrorum...
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Call of Cthulhu RPG: The Shadow Over Providence CHA 23163
August 25th, 1928: Providence, Rhode Island.The Milton Hotel cordially invites you to view the fantastical traveling exhibition “The Kingdom of Fire, Egypt’s 18th Dynasty.” All the way from the British Museum, London, England, come see these wonders of ancient Egypt,...
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H.P. Lovecraft`s: Dagon - For Beginning Readers (Hardcover) CHA 5117-H
So a warning to all,for what it is worth:when the monsters arisethey will conquer the earth.The famous H.P. Lovecraft story Dagon is gracefully retold in anapestic tetrameter and illustrated in a darkly whimsical style by genius poet-artist R.J. Ivankovic.  
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