Loka: The Card Game RHL RHLOKAC001
A game for the whole family, based on medieval card games. It’s a card game for the entire family. Designed as a 4-player game, it can also be played by 2 to 6 players… or even more, and includes optional...
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Versus Series: Fortresses and Clans RHL TRJ02
In this 2 player card game, lasting about 50 minutes, you will lead your clan as they lay siege to an enemy fortress, even as you defend your own Keep. Contents: 4 Clan Leaders 24 Clan cards 2 Keep cards...
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Versus Series: Tara Wolf in Valley of the Kings RHL TRJ01
Tara Wolf in the Valley of the Kings is a self-contained, 2 player competitive card game set at the end of the 1920 ́s in Egypt. The time when Lord Caravon and Howard Carter unearthed the true grave of Tutankhamun. Inspired by the...
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