D&D RPG: Waterdeep - Dragon Heist DM Screen GF9 73709

Gale Force Nine
GF9 73709
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Role-Playing Game
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Many powers vie for control in this pinnacle of civilization in the Sword Coast, some power's roots run deeper and darker than others!

This screen has been specifically built with the Waterdeep Dragon Heist module in mind. One side boasts evocative artwork from the adventure, while the other displays helpful charts, maps and character illustrations for quick reference.

  • The Code Legal printed on the inside of this DM screen for a quick reference could come in handy, especially if they attack a Noble by accident.
  • Whether you're party is seeking fame and fortune in the vastness of Waterdeep, or simply passing through, take care not to upset any of the local magistrates.
  • The City of Splendor's streets are not always as welcoming as they appear.


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