Wings of Glory: Gloster Gladiator Mk.I (Pattle) AGS WGS109B
The Gloster Gladiator Mk.I was a British-built biplane fighter, used by the RAF and the Royal Navy (as the Sea Gladiator variant). It fought against stronger foes during the early days of the WW2, but it acquitted itself reasonably well...
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Wings of Glory: Gloster Sea Gladiator (Burges) AGS WGS109A
The Gloster Gladiator Mk.I was a British-built biplane fighter, used by the RAF and the Royal Navy (as the Sea Gladiator variant). It fought against stronger foes during the early days of the WW2, but it acquitted itself reasonably well...
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Wings of Glory: Handley Page O/400 (RAF) AGS WGF303A
Command one of the most powerful war machines to fly the skies of WW1 – an O/400 of the famous 207 Squadron of the Royal Air Force! The Handley Page O/400 was the most important RAF heavy bomber by the...
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Wings of Glory: Junkers Ju.88 A-1 (KG77) AGS WGS305A
The Junkers Ju.88 A-1, originally designed as a light and a dive-bomber, was also used as a night-fighter, a torpedo bomber, and a special mission aircraft. The A-1 version was equipped with offensive forward-firing machine guns and it was able...
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Wings of Glory: Junkers Ju.88 A-4 (KGr506) AGS WGS305B
The Junkers Ju.88 A-4, was the most important version of all Ju.88 A–series. It entered service in very small numbers in 1939, equipped significant numbers of units during 1940, and was the most important German bomber at the start of...
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Wings of Glory: Kawasaki KI-61-IB (Nakano) AGS WGS103A
The Kawasaki Ki-61 Hien (“flying swallow”) was a Japanese World War II fighter aircraft. Over 2.500 Ki-61s were produced, first seeing action around New Guinea in 1943, and continuing to fly combat missions throughout the war. From 1944, Ki-61 were...
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Wings of Glory: Macchi M.5 (Arcidiacono) AGS WGF207A
The Macchi M.5 was an Italian single-seat fighter flying boat, designed and built by Nieuport-Macchi at Varese. It was extremely maneuverable and agile and matched the land-based aircraft it had to fight. The M.5 was operated by five Italian maritime...
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Wings of Glory: Macchi M.5 (Haviland) AGS WGF207B
The Macchi M.5 was an Italian single-seat fighter flying boat, designed and built by Nieuport-Macchi at Varese. It was extremely maneuverable and agile and matched the land-based aircraft it had to fight. The M.5 was operated by five Italian maritime...
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Wings of Glory: Macchi M.5 (Welker) AGS WGF207C
The Macchi M.5 was an Italian single-seat fighter flying boat, designed and built by Nieuport-Macchi at Varese. It was extremely maneuverable and agile and matched the land-based aircraft it had to fight. The M.5 was operated by five Italian maritime...
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Wings of Glory: Macchi M.5 - Hannover Cl.IIIa (Baur/Von Hengl) AGS WGF208B
The Hannover CL.III was a German military aircraft of World War I. It was a two-seat multi-role aircraft, primarily used as a ground attack machine. Like the other Hannover "light-C-class", or "CL" designated aircraft, it included an unusual biplanar tail,...
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Wings of Glory: Macchi M.5 - Hannover Cl.IIIA (Hager/Weber) AGS WGF208A
The Hannover CL.III was a German military aircraft of World War I. It was a two-seat multi-role aircraft, primarily used as a ground attack machine. Like the other Hannover "light-C-class", or "CL" designated aircraft, it included an unusual biplanar tail,...
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Wings of Glory: Macchi M.5 - Hannover Cl.IIIA (Luftstreitkrafte) AGS WGF208C
The Hannover CL.III was a German military aircraft of World War I. It was a two-seat multi-role aircraft, primarily used as a ground attack machine. Like the other Hannover "light-C-class", or "CL" designated aircraft, it included an unusual biplanar tail,...
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Wings of Glory: Messerschmitt Bf.109 K-4 (1./JG77) AGS WGS112B
The Messerschmitt Bf.109 was one of the first truly modern fighters of WW2. Originally conceived as an interceptor, the Bf.109 fulfilled multiple roles, as bomber escort, fighter-bomber, ground–attack aircraft, and reconnaissance aircraft. The final production version of the Bf.109 was the K...
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Wings of Glory: Messerschmitt Bf.109 K-4 (9./JG3) AGS WGS112A
The Messerschmitt Bf.109 was one of the first truly modern fighters of WW2. Originally conceived as an interceptor, the Bf.109 fulfilled multiple roles, as bomber escort, fighter-bomber, ground–attack aircraft, and reconnaissance aircraft. The final production version of the Bf.109 was the K...
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Wings of Glory: Nakajima Ki-84 Hayate (52 Sentai) AGS WGS108C
The Nakajima Ki-84 “Hayate” was a single-seat fighter used by the Imperial Japanese Army Air Force during World War II. Nicknamed “Frank” by the Allies, the Ki-84 had excellent performance and high maneuverability, and was considered to be the best...
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Wings of Glory: Nakajima Ki-84 Hayate (Fujimoto) AGS WGS108A
The Nakajima Ki-84 “Hayate” was a single-seat fighter used by the Imperial Japanese Army Air Force during World War II. Nicknamed “Frank” by the Allies, the Ki-84 had excellent performance and high maneuverability, and was considered to be the best...
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Wings of Glory: Nakajima Ki-84 Hayate (Imoto) AGS WGS108B
The Nakajima Ki-84 “Hayate” was a single-seat fighter used by the Imperial Japanese Army Air Force during World War II. Nicknamed “Frank” by the Allies, the Ki-84 had excellent performance and high maneuverability, and was considered to be the best...
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Wings of Glory: Nieuport 11 (Ancillotto) AGS WGF122C
The Nieuport 11 “Bébé” was a French single seat fighter aircraft. Reaching the front in early 1916, it outclassed its German opponent, the Fokker Eindecker. It ended the dominance of German aviation, known as the “Fokker Scourge,” and gave air...
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Wings of Glory: Nieuport 11 (Chaput) AGS WGF122A
The Nieuport 11 “Bébé” was a French single seat fighter aircraft. Reaching the front in early 1916, it outclassed its German opponent, the Fokker Eindecker. It ended the dominance of German aviation, known as the “Fokker Scourge,” and gave air...
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Wings of Glory: Nieuport 11 (De Turenne) AGS WGF122B
The Nieuport 11 “Bébé” was a French single seat fighter aircraft. Reaching the front in early 1916, it outclassed its German opponent, the Fokker Eindecker. It ended the dominance of German aviation, known as the “Fokker Scourge,” and gave air...
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Wings of Glory: Nieuport 16 (Ball) AGS WGF125A
The Nieuport 16 was an evolution of the Nieuport 11, reinforced and modified to fit a new, more powerful engine, and used as a fighter, bomber escort, and in balloon busting. It was armed with a single Lewis machine–gun, set...
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Wings of Glory: Nieuport 17 (Baracca) AGS WGF117A
The Nieuport 17 was a nimble fighter, first released in March 1916. Its excellent maneuverability made a big impact. It soon equipped all of the French fighter squadrons, served as a top British fighter for a year, and was even...
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Wings of Glory: Nieuport 17 (Nungesser) AGS WGF117B
The Nieuport 17 was a nimble fighter, first released in March 1916. Its excellent maneuverability made a big impact. It soon equipped all of the French fighter squadrons, served as a top British fighter for a year, and was even...
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Wings of Glory: Pfalz D.IIIa (Holtzem) AGS WGF123B
The Pfalz D.III began front–line service in August, 1917. Though its construction techniques gave it a light air frame, the Pfalz was known for being both sturdy and a little slow on the controls. Poor in climbing, it was an...
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