Animated Spells (5E): Level 1, A-F - Volume 1 HPP D011
Animated Spells is a tool used to assist Game Masters and players alike in their 5e role-playing campaigns, freeing them from traditional reference books and allowing them to only bring the spells they need. Each card features an original 8...
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Animated Spells (5E): Level 1, G-Z - Volume 2 HPP D012
Animated Spells is a tool used to assist Game Masters and players alike in their 5e role-playing campaigns, freeing them from traditional reference books and allowing them to only bring the spells they need. Each card features an original 8...
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Animated Spells (5E): Level 2, A-H - Volume 1 HPP D013
Animated Spells is a tool used to assist Game Masters and players alike in their 5e role-playing campaigns, freeing them from traditional reference books and allowing them to only bring the spells they need. Each card features an original 8...
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Animated Spells (5E): Level 2, I-Z - Volume 2 HPP D014
Animated Spells is a tool used to assist Game Masters and players alike in their 5e role-playing campaigns, freeing them from traditional reference books and allowing them to only bring the spells they need. Each card features an original 8...
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Animated Spells (5E): Level 3, A-M - Volume 1 HPP D015
Animated Spells is a tool used to assist Game Masters and players alike in their 5e role-playing campaigns, freeing them from traditional reference books and allowing them to only bring the spells they need. Each card features an original 8...
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Animated Spells (5E): Level 4 - Volume 1 HPP D017
Animated Spells is a tool used to assist Game Masters and players alike in their 5e role-playing campaigns, freeing them from traditional reference books and allowing them to only bring the spells they need. Each card features an original 8...
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Animated Spells (5E): Level 5 - Volume 1 HPP D018
Animated Spells is a tool used to assist Game Masters and players alike in their 5e role-playing campaigns, freeing them from traditional reference books and allowing them to only bring the spells they need. Each card features an original 8...
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Griffon's Saddlebag (5E): Vol. 2 HPP D020
The Deck of Many and The Griffon’s Saddlebag continue to deliver another set of 50 illustrated item cards from the Saddlebag’s collection. These creative new items are designed to open up new opportunities for roleplay and combat while staying balanced and fun to...
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Heckna (5E): Animated Spells
Includes 10 new Heckna! themed spells on lenticular cards that animate when tilted! Like our other reference cards, they have all the details on the back.
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Heckna (5E): Box Set
Heckna! is a 5e adventure story designed to take characters through levels 1 to 10. Game Masters and players alike will delight in this whimsical, dark carnival setting! Will you see through the glitzy and glamorous charade or fall prey...
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Heckna (5E): Miniatures - Enthralled
Set of 5 unique clown thrall minis, riding unicycles, wearing stilts and other poses. Comes with a schnozling mini.
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Heckna (5E): Miniatures - Goodie Two Shoes
Set of 5 NPCs that range from potential ally to neutral. They're not going to kill you, but they might not be your best friends.
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Heckna (5E): Miniatures - Got Your Nose
5 classes (Paladin, Wizard, Sorcerer, Rogue and Bard) reinvisioned as transformed clown thralls! Includes a schnozling. A running gag that will appear in the Heckna campaign setting book is that the 5 core heroes will be repeatedly dispatched by the...
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Heckna (5E): Miniatures - Heckna Himself
4 Heckna poses, each featuring a different face mask depending on his mood. Includes a shnozling and punchline mini. Hit Point Press would like to remind our customer base that selling on Amazon or other 3rd party online platforms is...
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Heckna (5E): Miniatures - Pet Shop
Heckna's pets are here to play! His two most favorite abominations are yours to now cuddle and feed rubes to! Myrmidion, Snout and their spawn are in this set. 6 minis total. Hit Point Press would like to remind our...
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Heckna (5E): Miniatures - Props A-Plenty
A set of 7 props from ticket booths to popcorn stands. Make the battlefield riddled with carnival goodness! Hit Point Press would like to remind our customer base that selling on Amazon or other 3rd party online platforms is against...
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Heckna (5E): Miniatures - Revelers
Five minis of revelers from among the carnival, plus a shnozling mini. Hit Point Press would like to remind our customer base that selling on Amazon or other 3rd party online platforms is against the company policy of Hit Point...
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Heckna (5E): Miniatures - Schnozling Familiar
Get your very own lifesize 1:1 grey schnozling familiar that you can paint! Each Schnozling includes adoption papers with the Schnozling's name, personality, likes, dislikes, and favorite color! Also comes with a Schnozling mini to represent your new bab. Hit...
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Heckna (5E): Miniatures - Sugar Rush
3 children of the candy corn, 1 sucrooze, 1 ballooze, plus a shnozling (can't forget the shnozlings). Hit Point Press would like to remind our customer base that selling on Amazon or other 3rd party online platforms is against the...
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Heckna (5E): Playing Cards
This is a classic playing card deck designed by the fantastic Felix Klar. This foil deck features all the great villains and monsters of The Revelia! Cards are Poker Sized.
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Heckna (5E): Reference Cards
This 50+ reference card deck contains all the monsters, NPCs, items, weapons and magic spells as quick and easy to use reference cards! Speeds up gameplay by allowing you to bring the content you need for your games.
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Heckna (5E): Shuffled Stories Deck
Want help setting up a story for your Heckna! game? Introducing the Shuffled Stories Engine! The Shuffled Stories Engine helps GM's of all experience levels build out a full-blown Heckna! campaign using a standard deck of playing cards. The cards...
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Heckna (5E): Ticket Set (50)
An assortment of 50 tickets used as in game currency for your Heckna! games!
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Humblewood (5E): Animated Spells HPP D022
Humblewood Animated Spell Cards channel magic from the Great Rhythm into your Humblewood campaigns! Surprise your target with Ambush Prey, conceal them in darkness with Veil of Dusk, and more. Bring the magic of the Wood right to your table!  
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