Obsessed with Star Wars - Test Your Knowledge of a Galaxy Far, Far Away CHR 6322
In what detention block was Princess Leia held? What was the diameter of the Death Star? Who retrieved C-3P0's head in the Battle of Geonosis? These questions and more will challenge even the most die-hard Star Wars fans. Now available in paperback,...
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Star Wars: 99 Stormtroopers Join the Empire CHR 9249
Ninety-nine Stormtroopers join the Empire, and then their troubles begin. One takes a lunch break in the carbon freezing chamber. Two underestimate a princess. One picks the wrong time to ask for a promotion. Another fails to show Jabba the...
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Star Wars: How to Speak Astromech with BB-8 CHR 1771
Featuring one of the most popular characters from the new Star Wars films, How to Speak Astromech with BB-8 collects 10 essential BB sounds alongside tongue-in-cheek translations and playful illustrations.Ten droidspeak audio clips, translation and conversation tips, and funny illustrated scenarios help...
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Star Wars: How to Speak Wookie CHR 2559
Everyone’s been there, you’re playing holo chess with a Wookiee, and things get out of hand. You’ve done something to offend him, but you don’t know what. How can you defuse the situation? Better yet, how can you make sure...
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Star Wars: Rey and Pals CHR 0434
From Jeffrey Brown, the creator of the New York Times bestselling Darth Vader and Son series. What if Rey hadn't grown up all alone on dusty planet Jakku, but instead had a galaxy of friends to play with? Rey and Pals is a collection...
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