Dark Souls RPG: The Silver & The Dead SFL DS-RPG002
Confront formidable Silver Knights and Hollow Soldiers with this DARK SOULS miniatures box! The noble Silver Knights are steadfast warriors who guard ancient cities from intruders. By contrast, Hollow Soldiers are little more than cannon fodder. Still, their rusted swords...
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Dark Souls: Phantoms Expansion SFL DS-003
In this world, you will encounter phantoms of white and red. The White Phantoms are valuable allies. You may call upon them in times of need. But beware the Red Phantoms. They are not your friends. With this expansion, you'll...
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Dark Souls: TBG - Darkroot Basin and Iron Keep Tile Set SFL DS-014
Eerie sounds echo through the Darkroot, unsettling even the bravest heroes. Rightly so, for it is an incredibly dangerous place. Hidden adversaries prowl the wooded glades, and even the plants are hostile. But your other destination is no less imposing....
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Dark Souls: TBG - Executioners Chariot Expansion SFL DS-017
Gather your courage, for this unholy excruciator will stop at nothing to prolong the torment of the undead souls in his charge. Even if the executioner should fall, you still must face the malevolent steed that pulls the dark chariot...
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Dark Souls: TBG - Explorers Expansion SFL DS-004
Uncover new and dangerous elements of the Dark Souls universe with the Explorers Expansion. Bursting with new content, this expansion will test you against new enemies and reward you with new treasures. But be wary new Mimic ambush rules mean...
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Dark Souls: TBG - Gaping Dragon Expansion SFL DS-010
Fate has led you to the winding corridors of the flooded Depths, far from the light of the sun. Here, you find the Gaping Dragon an abomination hideously transformed by its ravenous hunger.   The Gaping Dragon Expansion adds brand...
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Dark Souls: TBG - Iron Keep Expansion SFL DS-005
Few places in the Dark Souls universe are more dangerous than the Iron Keep. A massive fortress in a sea of molten iron, this fiery region is home to the territorial Alonne Knights and massive Ironclad Soldiers. Even if an...
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Dark Souls: The Board Game - Painted World of Ariamis Core Set SFL DS-019
Confront the fan favourite Crossbreed Priscilla and the rest of the painting’s strange denizens with DARK SOULS: The Board Game, Painted World of Ariamis, featuring new foes, player characters, treasures, event cards, objective cards, and more! Painted World of Ariamis...
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Dark Souls: The Board Game - Tomb of Giants Core Set SFL DS-020
Confront this iconic boss and his skeletal horde with DARK SOULS: The Board Game, Tomb of Giants, featuring new foes, player characters, treasures, event cards, objective cards, and more! Tomb of Giants gives you an evocative new area to explore...
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Dark Souls: The Roleplaying Game SFL DS-RPG001
So it is, ash seeketh embers…Experience DARK SOULS like never before in this complete tabletop roleplaying game of adventure, horror, and tactical combat. Inside these pages is everything you need to run thrilling roleplaying campaigns set in the ruinous DARK SOULS universe. Like the video games, DARK SOULS: The...
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