Palladium Books
After the Bomb RPG PAL 0503
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Create an entire new breed of crime-fighting, intelligent, humanoid mutant animal heroes in the tradition of the Ninja Turtles, Rocket Raccoon, or any comic book style superheroes. Or add humanoid mutant animals to your Heroes Unlimited™ or Ninjas & Superspies™ games, or use them in...
After the Bomb RPG: "Bonus" Edition - Hardcover PAL 0503HC
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Create any type of intelligent, humanoid, mutant animal, from a turtle or raccoon to an elephant or lion. The RPG presents stats for 100+ mutant animals, plus rules for creating any mutant animal you can imagine, and each sourcebook offers...
After the Bomb: Book Five - Mutants in Avalon PAL 0513
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King Arthur is back! And he's a mutant! The island of England is mapped and described. Much has changed after the bomb struck. Human life is nearly extinct and Britain is now divided into eight kingdoms, all ruled by intelligent...
After the Bomb: Book Six - Mutants in Orbit PAL 0514
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This 120 page sourcebook is divided into two sections, one for After the Bomb and another for Rifts. The startling answer to the questions of what lays within Earth's orbit, on the moon and Mars. A.R.C.H.I.E. Seven, the Cyberworks corporation, CAN Republic, Virtual...
After the Bomb: Book Three - Mutants Down Under PAL 0507
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This thrilling sourcebook takes you to the fabulous outback of Australia. It is a very different world than the savage Americas. Man and animal live in peace, but a new threat from the north threatens that peace. The Jakartan government...
After the Bomb: Book Two - Road Hogs PAL 0505
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Adventures in the post-holocaust world of mutant animals continue as we travel to the west coast, where the highways and the byways have become the domain of mutated, animal bikers and savage gangs. Players will likely be aligned with the...
Book of Weapons & Armour PAL 0401
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What is the Palladium Weapon Series? It is a series of small sourcebooks that presents historically accurate data and information about ancient weapons from around the world. For use with any game system. You heard right. The statistical information is designed and...
Book of Weapons & Assassins PAL 0403
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The weapons and secrets of real world, ancient assassins. Includes guilds and societies of assassins like the Order of the Assassins, Ninja and Thugs of India, as well as details about their weapons, tools, poisons, clothing, armor, methods and more....
Book of Weapons & Castles PAL 0402
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What is the Palladium Weapon Series? It is a series of small sourcebooks that presents historically accurate data and information about ancient weapons from around the world. For use with any game system. You heard right. The statistical information is designed...
Dead Reign RPG PAL 0230
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Experience the nightmare of being stalked by the living dead. Who can you trust? Where can you go to be safe? How do you fight the dead? Find out in Dead Reign - a complete role-playing game that captures the horror, suspense...
Dead Reign: Sourcebook Five - Graveyard Earth PAL 0235
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The Graveyard Earth sourcebook expands the Zombie Apocalypse around the world, providing a wide range of ideas and settings for adventure. Every continent is given an overview with key locations noted across the globe. This includes likely and rumored Safe Haven...
Dead Reign: Sourcebook Four - Fear the Reaper PAL 0234
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Like knights mounted on motorcycles, the Road Reapers travel the wasteland that Earth has become, searching for survivors, fighting zombies and waging war against the Death Cults that threaten all mankind. This epic sourcebook explores the nature of heroes and...
Dead Reign: Sourcebook Six - Hell Followed PAL 0236
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In the wake of the Zombie Apocalypse, survivors find themselves trapped in a living hell. As everyone struggles to survive against the risen dead, some rise up to be heroes fighting for those in need and against all manner of...
Dead Reign: Sourcebook Three - Endless Dead PAL 0233
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As time goes on, the zombie hordes only grow in size and strangeness. This book contains horrifying new zombies to haunt your player characters along with new O.C.C.s and tons of tables for detailing Survivors' Hideouts, Safe Haven Communities, Death...
Dead Reign: Sourcebook Two - Dark Places PAL 0232
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Dead Reign: Dark Places presents four new, gruesome zombies that will make your skin crawl, plus more survivor secrets, using railroad tracks and the urban underground - sewers, storm drains, steam tunnels and other subterranean labyrinths - to travel unseen...
Future Visions - Artistry of Charles Walton II PAL 2562
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We call it Future Visions because it very much gives you a glimpse into the future of what is coming from Palladium Books. It is jam-packed with black and white artwork and concept art for several of the upcoming Splicers...
Heroes Unlimited RPG: Aliens Unlimited Galaxy Guide PAL 0519
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Highlights Include: Spaceship construction rules. Space travel and combat rules. New skills and skill programs. New alien races, monsters and menaces. More information on old enemies like the Raithenor. More on the Atorian Empire and the TMC. Galactic time-line and...
Heroes Unlimited RPG: Armageddon Unlimited PAL 0527
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Armageddon Unlimited is the ultimate good vs evil setting and adventure. The fate of the world hangs in the balance and only you can stop its destruction as demons and Deevils fight for control of the Earth and bringing about the...
Heroes Unlimited RPG: Century Station PAL 0517
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Century Station is a compelling cityscape described and mapped. It is a great location to base a Heroes Unlimited campaign or a place to visit. The 51 superhuman villains, some of whom are members of villain teams, provide instant antagonists that can be...
Heroes Unlimited RPG: GM's Guide PAL 0516
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This "guide" to comic book style heroic adventure is full of tips, suggestions, and examples on how to create, run and play adventures. To start the G.M. and players off, we include 10 fully fleshed out adventures, plus all kinds...
Heroes Unlimited RPG: Mutant Underground PAL 0520
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Dozens of mutants - villains, heroes, anti-heroes, and rejects. New ideas and variations for mutant humans and mutant animals (like animals with superpowers). The secret underground society of mutants, runaways, criminals and lost souls. The superhumans who protect them...
Heroes Unlimited RPG: Powers Unlimited Two PAL 0522
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Powers Unlimited Two presents new categories of heroes and their unique abilities, gimmicks and vulnerabilities. Written by Carmen Bellaire with contributions from Kevin Siembieda and others.
Page Count: 96 pages
Cover: Ramon Perez
Heroes Unlimited RPG: Villains Unlimited PAL 0501
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It's the reference book that never gets old - 80+ superhuman villains, a secret organization that supplies villains and criminals, another that hunts superhumans, plus rules and tables for creating your own super-organizations, Game Master playing tips, and more. All...
Nightbane RPG PAL 0730
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The world has never quite been the same since Dark Day. The day there was no sun rise - no moon or stars for that matter - only absolute darkness and hysteria. It is your seventeenth birthday when "The Becoming" changes your...