Palladium Books - Rifts
Rifts - Chaos Earth RPG PAL 0660
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Chaos Earth puts the player in the center of the Great Cataclysm - the apocalyptic upheaval that, in the end, creates what we know as Rifts Earth. Player Characters live through the death throes of human civilization, the reshaping of...
Rifts - Chaos Earth Sourcebook One: Creatures of Chaos PAL 0661
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Creatures of Chaos is jam-packed with unearthly creatures that represent the menacing and the bizarre, the mischievous and the maniacal. Some are supernatural hellspawn, others are just plain weird, all are dangerous. Dozens of demons and monsters specific to the...
Rifts - Chaos Earth: Resurrection PAL 0666
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The Golden Age of Science and human civilization is shattered with the return of magic and the Coming of the Rifts. Overnight, human civilization is toppled. Many major cities are wiped from the face of the Earth. Humanity struggles to...
Rifts Bestiary: Volume One PAL 0896
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Could the monsters known as Caterpillar Things be the larval form of the Mothman Monster? Is the Corrival Battler as aggressive and dangerous as adventurers claim? Are Darkhounds really magically mutated Dog Boys? Is that why they see Coalition soldiers...
Rifts Sourcebook The Coalition States: Heroes of Humanity PAL 0889
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Rifts CS Heroes of Humanity changes the landscape of Rifts North America and beyond, presents ways to upgrade and improve existing Men-At-Arms characters with Advanced Training, and includes new character classes, weapons, equipment, alliances and conflict to inspire epic new adventures....
Rifts: Adventure Guide PAL 0849
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A step by step guide to creating and running Rifts adventures (and role-playing games in general). A how to manual by Kevin Siembieda plus viewpoints, suggestions and additional material by other Palladium Game Masters, including Erick Wujcik, Wayne Breaux Jr., and...
Rifts: Adventure Sourcebook 2 - Chi-Town 'Burbs: Firetown & the Tolkeen Crisis PAL 0854
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Rifts Adventure Sourcebook Two: Firetown & the Tolkeen Crisis. The fall of Tolkeen has sent a flood of refugees, Retribution Squads, sorcerers and villains into the Chi-Town 'Burbs. Some seek revenge on the CS, some look to buy or sell the...
Rifts: Adventure Sourcebook 3 - The Black Vault PAL 0855
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For generations it has been rumored the Coalition States maintains a Top Secret facility where it locks away and stores all the magic weapons and items it confiscates from adventurers and mages. The CS, of course, denies these rumors, but...
Rifts: Adventure Sourcebook Four - Vanguard PAL 0856
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The Vanguard. Born in the days before Chi-Town forever banned the used of magic on Coalition soil, these practitioners of magic fight for the Coalition States and the Prosek regime. They do so in secret, quietly undermining agents of the...
Rifts: Aftermath PAL 0846
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The aftermath of the Coalition-Tolkeen War has put into motion a number of events and conflicts that will last long after the Final Siege. It's all spelled out here. The fate of the Tolkeen refugees, Daemonix and key factions in...
Rifts: Coalition Wars Siege on Tolkeen 1 - Sedition PAL 0839
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The Coalition Army is in place and making war on Tolkeen! Chapter One lays the groundwork and offers several avenues of adventure. How and why the war started. Emphasis on the Tolkeen Military and defenses. Ley line magic and magical...
Rifts: Coalition Wars Siege on Tolkeen 2 - Coalition Overkill PAL 0840
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The war escalates and turmoil intensifies. A new breed of Coalition Officers begin to come to the forefront, and with them cruelty, murder and genocide. A foul ruthlessness sweeps both sides of the conflict. The monstrous Daemonix. Over 60 Villains...
Rifts: Coalition Wars Siege on Tolkeen 3 - Sorcerers Revenge PAL 0841
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The sorcerers of Tolkeen strike back in a murderous fury that stuns and bewilders the mighty Coalition Army. Combat and hatred heats up as both sides escalate the level of war. The Coalition Wars series is "hot" keeping fans guessing...
Rifts: Coalition Wars Siege on Tolkeen 4 - Cyber-Knights PAL 0842
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The Cyber-Knights are divided as half stand by their founder and leader Lord Coake, and half fight at the side of Tolkeen. This book examines the rifts between these to bands of heroes with a focus on those fighting for...
Rifts: Coalition Wars Siege on Tolkeen 5 - Shadows of Evil PAL 0843
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The plot thickens as the war rages on and the Coalition Army proves to be relentless. This book will present a dramatic turn of events that will change the war! Page Count: 112 pages. Cover by: John Zeleznik Interior Art: Perez, Breaux, Wilson,...
Rifts: Coalition Wars Siege on Tolkeen 6 - Final Siege PAL 0844
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In the end, only one will stand triumphant. Winner take all. And the world will tremble. The City of Tolkeen mapped and described. Tolkeen's King, Circle of 12 and Warlords described in detail. Tolkeen's newest demonic allies and monsters. Tolkeen's...
Rifts: Conversion Book 2 - Pantheons of the Megaverse PAL 0811
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You may think you know all about Zeus, Odin, and Gilgamesh and the other gods of myth and legend, but you'd be wrong! Mythological gods done Rifts style! Dimension spanning beings of inhuman nature and power, impostors, cyborgs, bio-wizards, the...
Rifts: Dark Conversions PAL 0852
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The focus of Dark Conversions is on creatures of darkness and other monsters such as Alien Intelligences, Elementals, were-beasts, vampires, weird supernatural beings, the Nightbane and others. If you are looking for practitioners of dark magic, villains, monsters and vile...
Rifts: Dimension Book 1 - Wormwood PAL 0809
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Wormwood is the first of many dimension books to be presented by Palladium. A decadent, violent and deadly world ruled by demonic creatures and evil clergy who control powerful kingdoms of monsters and enslave humans. Inhuman destroyers who command the...
Rifts: Dimension Book 10 - Hades, Pits of Hell PAL 0872
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The demons and monsters of Hades have been part of Palladium role-playing games for 25 years. Now, for the first time ever, we explore the demons' home dimension, the landscape of Hades, the evil denizens who populate it, and their...
Rifts: Dimension Book 11 - Dyval, Hell Unleashed PAL 0873
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Dyval is a dimension of Hell that is completely unique and different from Hades. The Deevil Host, evil monsters and minions, Deevil society, monstrous War Steeds, magic, adventure settings and more make this another welcomed addition to the Palladium Megaverse....
Rifts: Dimension Book 12 - Dimensional Outbreak PAL 0875
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This Minion War book is brimming with amazing source material, ideas, new demons, new Deevils, new magic spells, new spaceships, more about Phase World and Center, and the escalating War. A companion to Hades and Dyval as war spills into...
Rifts: Dimension Book 14 - Thundercloud Galaxy PAL 0883
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The Scramble is the mad dash to claim and colonize the thousands of worlds of the Thundercloud Galaxy. Colonists flock to the Thundercloud filled with dreams. Space Pirates and an array of cutthroats also flock to the galaxy, guns in...
Rifts: Dimension Book 2 - Phase World PAL 0816
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Phase World is an incredible transdimensional city that is also a space port located at the edge of three galaxies. This means that visitors come not only from other dimensions but from the neighboring galaxies as well. Consequently, Phase World is...