Deliverer Arms Master: Protectorate - Solo PIP 32122
Few deliverers survive long enough to gain true mastery of the weapons they wield, but those who do can earn the distinguished title of arms master, directing their charges in combat from the back lines. Tasked with the upkeep and...
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Grand Scrutator Severius: Protectorate - Warcaster PIP 32114
Severius lives to battle the enemies of his faith. He brings a commanding presence and undeniable genius to the battlefield, and his warjacks come alive with the same fervor as his converts. While age may have withered the warcaster and...
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Hand of Silence: Protectorate of Menoth - Solo PIP 32134
The Hand of Silence rides alongside the armies of the Great Crusade, but his path is set by Menoth’s will. On his steed Alban, he thunders over the battlefield, directing the spirits of the faithful to their place in the...
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Hierophant: Protectorate of Menoth - Solo PIP 32057
Faction: Protectorate of MenothClass: ModelGame Class: ModelMaterial: MetalModel Type: SoloModel Type: Warcaster Attachment  
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Scourge of Heresy: Protectorate - Warjack PIP 32079
Like its master, High Executioner Servath Reznik, Scourge of Heresy is well equipped to destroy the infidels who stand against the Protectorate of Menoth. With a fiery blade and a blazing flail, Scourge of Heresy brings searing pain and retribution...
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