Praetorian Karax: Skorne - Unit PIP 74079
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The proud Praetorian karax form imposing phalanxes of interlocking shields to impale closing enemies, sweep aside all incoming blows, and protect themselves and those behind them from explosive blasts. Endless training in unit tactics removes all trace of individual initiative...
Praetorian Keltarii/Swordsmen: Skorne - Unit PIP 74078
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Praetorians stand as paragons of the warrior caste, their traditions irrevocably rooted in the hoksune code. These soldiers form the backbone of all house armies as well as the Army of the Western Reaches. Praetorian swordsmen require superlative skill to...
Pyg Burrowers: Trollbloods - Unit PIP 71081
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Stalwart Pygs have proved invaluable as scouts, spies, and ambushers. Their endurance and size make them consummate tunnel-diggers. Armed with incredibly powerful slug guns, these courageous pygs burrow across battlefields to catch the enemy unaware. Their massive, short-range hand-held cannons...
Pyg Bushwhacker Officer & Mortar: Trollbloods - Unit PIP 71093
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Bushwhackers are now commonplace among the fighting forces of the United Kriels. Captain Gunnbjorn’s efforts have seen pyg combatants organized into increasingly effective teams equipped with firepower to match. Attacks these pyg officers orchestrate can often end skirmishes before they...
Pyg Bushwhackers: Trollblood Unit PIP 71082
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Smallest of all trollkin, pygs are known for their dexterity, their cunning, and their ability to lay complex ambushes and cooperate to bring down larger prey. Now they have guns. What they lack in personal discipline they more than make...
Rök: Trollbloods - Warbeast PIP 71102
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Whenever a remote mountain village is found in ruins and with its taverns plundered, northerners speak fearfully of the dire troll called Rök. Although insatiable as any dire troll, over a century ago Rök developed a unique craving for beer...
Strider Blightblades/Rangers: Legion of Everblight- Blighted Nyss Unit PIP 73082
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In the arena of reconnaissance and assassination, few can compare with the blighted Nyss striders. Their incredible speed and elusiveness are gifts of their draconic master that cannot be duplicated through mere instruction and training. Strider rangers silently stalk their...
Thagrosh, Prophet of Everblight: Legion of Everblight - Warlock PIP 73066
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History will remember Thagrosh Hellborne as the abomination who unleashed the Legion of Everblight onto the world. But before he was the prophet of Everblight, he was an ogrun born of a harsh existence. After escaping slavery, he was compelled...
Tharn Blood Shaman: Circle of Orboros - Solo PIP 72110
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Blood magic is the oldest of arcane practices in western Immoren, one the Tharn have mastered. While bloodweavers leap into the fray to wet their sacrificial blades, blood shamans are more reserved and focused, steeped in deeper sacrificial rites. They...
Tyrant Commander and Standard: Skorne - Unit PIP 74043
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Tyrants are the warlords whose efforts ultimately bring the Skorne to victory by dictating the precise flow of battle while serving the ranking dominars. Equal parts tactician and warrior, a tyrant stands alongside his men to lend his strength and...
Una the Skyhunter: Circle Orboros - Warlock PIP 72101
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During her time tending the far-flung griffon roosts of the Circle, Una developed an unparalleled affinity with the winged beasts and now employs them to cut down opponents without mercy. Having refined her arcane command over the elements, she is...
Vayl, Consul of Everblight: Legion of Everblight - Warlock PIP 73059
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As consul Vayl has achieved a position of regal authority, answering only to Thagrosh and Everblight himself and empowered to explore her mystical arts. She picks and chooses which conflicts require her personal intervention by peering into the mists of...
Venator Dakar: Skorne - Solo PIP 74100
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With exaltation a remote hope at best, the ruthless warriors of the Venator caste take to the field for survival and victory instead. Relentless and cunning, Venator dakars are stern leaders with exacting standards. Under the watchful eye of a...
Venator Reivers: Skorne - Unit PIP 74087
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Venators have mastered a horrific and unique weapon that fires bursts of iron needles that shred their targets, also known as the reiver. With a lethal swarm of concentrated fire, Venators are able to tear into the most imposing targets...
Zaal, the Ancestral Advocate: Skorne - Warlock PIP 74088
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Supreme Aptimus Zaal exemplified the power of the extoller caste, whether communing with the honored dead or leading a host of ancestral guardians and immortals in battle. Mortally wounded in one such battle against Ios, Zaal refused to surrender to...