Lord Tyrant Zaadesh: Skorne - Warlock PIP 74099
Zaadesh rose from a wounded soldier who few thought would return to the field of battle to an influential lord tyrant. In battle, Zaadesh empowers his army to strike with brutal precision and to punish those enemies within reach before...
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Scourge of Heresy: Protectorate - Warjack PIP 32079
Like its master, High Executioner Servath Reznik, Scourge of Heresy is well equipped to destroy the infidels who stand against the Protectorate of Menoth. With a fiery blade and a blazing flail, Scourge of Heresy brings searing pain and retribution...
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Commander Coleman Stryker: Cygnar - Warcaster PIP 31084
Though Commander Stryker sees himself as just another soldier fighting for the crown, he is one of the greatest warriors of Cygnar. His young age may deceive some into believing he has not earned his rank compared to the aged...
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Lady Karianna Rose: Grymkin - Solo PIP 76026
Driven to madness by loss and grief, the grymkin have adopted poor Lady Karianna Rose as one of their own. Lady Rose’s songs soothe the rage that feeds the grymkin nightmares, but she can also whip them into a frenzy...
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Jaga-Jaga, the Death Charmer: Minions - Warlock PIP 75049
Jaga-Jaga has risen to prominence as a high priestess of the Blindwater Congregation. In her talons writhe the spirits of death drawn from the swamps, each eager to comply with her designs. She is an enigmatic creature, whispering into the...
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Venator Dakar: Skorne - Solo PIP 74100
With exaltation a remote hope at best, the ruthless warriors of the Venator caste take to the field for survival and victory instead. Relentless and cunning, Venator dakars are stern leaders with exacting standards. Under the watchful eye of a...
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Legends of Halaak: Skorne - Unit PIP 74089
They have now joined forces instead of fighting amongst themselves, these soldiers were once respected members of the warrior caste, Praetorians but now known as the Legends of Halaak and they spent the early years of their careers clashing with...
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Venator Reivers: Skorne - Unit PIP 74087
Venators have mastered a horrific and unique weapon that fires bursts of iron needles that shred their targets, also known as the reiver. With a lethal swarm of concentrated fire, Venators are able to tear into the most imposing targets...
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Tyrant Commander and Standard: Skorne - Unit PIP 74043
Tyrants are the warlords whose efforts ultimately bring the Skorne to victory by dictating the precise flow of battle while serving the ranking dominars. Equal parts tactician and warrior, a tyrant stands alongside his men to lend his strength and...
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Bloodrunner Master Tormentor: Skorne - Solo PIP 74041
Even the smallest motion or step a master tormentor takes conveys the potential for immediate death. The shadows find her wherever she strides, and those trying to track her motions amid the darkness discover their eyes are deceiving them. The...
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Fyanna, Torment of Everblight: Legion of Everblight - Warlock PIP 73106
Fyanna, Torment of Everblight is one of Legion’s fiercest forward commanders. She leads small strike forces of blighted Nyss against key targets deep in enemy territory to make way for more substantial Legion forces. Having received the ultimate gift in...
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Nephilim Protector: Legion of Everblight - Warbeast PIP 73073
From birth, nephilim protectors obey an instinctive imperative to guard Everblight’s warlocks and will dive into harm’s way without hesitation or concern for their own lives. They are also ideal vessels for any grave wounds their warlocks shunt to them,...
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Nephilim Bolt Thrower: Legion of Everblight - Warbeast PIP 73072
Nephilim stand apart from other warbeasts of Everblight’s legion in their ability to wield weapons while maintaining all the advantages of beasts born of the dragon’s blood. Their draconic strength allows nephilim bolt throwers to use artillery-style ballistae as hand-held...
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Thagrosh, Prophet of Everblight: Legion of Everblight - Warlock PIP 73066
History will remember Thagrosh Hellborne as the abomination who unleashed the Legion of Everblight onto the world. But before he was the prophet of Everblight, he was an ogrun born of a harsh existence. After escaping slavery, he was compelled...
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Vayl, Consul of Everblight: Legion of Everblight - Warlock PIP 73059
As consul Vayl has achieved a position of regal authority, answering only to Thagrosh and Everblight himself and empowered to explore her mystical arts. She picks and chooses which conflicts require her personal intervention by peering into the mists of...
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Una the Skyhunter: Circle Orboros - Warlock PIP 72101
During her time tending the far-flung griffon roosts of the Circle, Una developed an unparalleled affinity with the winged beasts and now employs them to cut down opponents without mercy. Having refined her arcane command over the elements, she is...
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Druid Wilder: Circle Orboros - Solo PIP 72049
Deeply devoted to the beast path of druidic magic, druid wilders are a natural inclusion into any warlock’s battlegroup. Their close affinity to these wild beasts allows them to evoke the latent powers of a warbeast’s animus to lend strength...
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Horgle the Anvil: Trollbloods - Warlock PIP 71107
The destruction of his kriel at the talons of Everblight’s legion set Horgle Ironstrike on a solitary path of fiery conflict. Though he has found a new sense of purpose in forging weapons for other kriels, he preserves his autonomy...
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Pyg Bushwhacker Officer & Mortar: Trollbloods - Unit PIP 71093
Bushwhackers are now commonplace among the fighting forces of the United Kriels. Captain Gunnbjorn’s efforts have seen pyg combatants organized into increasingly effective teams equipped with firepower to match. Attacks these pyg officers orchestrate can often end skirmishes before they...
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Belchers & Crawlers: Monsterpocalypse - Planet Eaters (Unit Expansion 2) PIP 51006
'- Monsterpocalypse is a fast-moving, action-packed battle miniatures game played with detailed hobby miniatures that players assemble and paint to portray the most fearsome giant monsters on earth!- When the battle begins, you’ll command your Monster and lead your units...
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Gastone Crosse: Mercenaries - Solo PIP 41111
A natural at hit-and-run tactics, the bitter, reckless Gastone Crosse prefers to strike from a distance, whether with his powerful mechanikal pistol Soul Reaver or the cannons of his warjacks. He lends his arcane power to extending the range of...
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Fiona the Black: Mercenaries - Warcaster PIP 41110
An unabashed Thamarite, Fiona the Black brazenly displays her devotion to that widely loathed goddess and takes pride in having liberated herself from quaint, conventional notions of morality. She has found a home among the pirates and privateers of the...
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Greygore Boomhowler & Co.: Mercenaries - Unit PIP 41107
Led by the legendary Trollkin fell caller Greygore Boomhowler, this mercenary company can match lead and steel with any regiment of soldiers in the Iron Kingdoms. The brutal combination of Greygore’s devastatingly ear-splitting cries and the natural resilience and tenacity...
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Trancer: Crucible Guard - Warjack PIP 37017
Trancers are subjected to powerful alchemical substances to unlock violent psychokinetic powers. Chosen from among terminally ill volunteers, this process creates short-lived but potent living weapons employed by the Crucible Guard. With but a thought they can send adversaries flying...
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